Thanks guys for the opportunity to capture this special time in your lives. It was a quick meeting and we wish you many blessings in the years to come. Have a wonderful wedding next week!
Thank you Amy and Chris for letting me capture you and your precious boys! It really is so neat to be able to watch kids grow through pictures - there's so much different, yet so much the same. We will miss you guys when you move. :( Enjoy these times; they go by fast!
I had another opportunity to take pictures of my sweet friend Mandi, her husband Eric and 2 year old Hadley. I am so thankful to be able to be a part of Hadley's growing up in this way. What a precious boy and oh, so busy! What 2 year old boy isn't?! Sticks are awesome! ;)
I just love this family! I am so thankful that I was asked to take their pictures again this year. I love to see how the kids grow from year to year! Grant and Weston are just as precious as ever! Thanks for being great clients and friends!
How terrific it was to see Cassie and Greg again! I photographed their wedding several years ago and I was honored to take their pictures again, but now with a sweet addition - their 2 year old daughter Claire. What a joy to see this family grow!
Thank you for allowing me to take your pictures. What a beautiful family!
LOVE this family! I have been able to call Breece and Melissa friends before they were even married. And Melissa is a sister in many ways - a sister in Christ and a sorority sister! Their children are beautiful and so so sweet! Thanks for the privilege of taking your pictures! Enjoy!